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I/O psych … group project

Dear Frontal Lobers —

The purpose of this group is to allow you to discuss, online, the research methods questions and help each other learn research methods.

Let me set a few ground rules and give you some hints for a successful discussion.

You have a time limit. Post promptly and check and reply often. You may wish to arrange your schedule (slightly) so you have two or three chances during the day to check the forum and reply.

Using the forum (bulletin board) is best. I’ve given you group email and a group chat room. The forum is best because once something is posted its there and cannot be lost (like an email). The chat works sometimes but most groups misuse it by a few people arbitrarily setting a time for the group to chat which does not include everyone. The chat function works the best when two or three people who have been given a sub-task get together and chat.

Facilitators. I’ve assigned Justine and Keisha as co-facilitators. A facilitator is not a leader and has no special responsibility. A facilitator provides structure (e.g. timetables, tasks) once the group has identified its goals. A facilitator should not provide goals or a direction to the group – those should come from the group itself. A facilitator is not a disciplinarian. My purpose for assigning a facilitator is to just remove the doubt of a common feeling, “who should take charge?”

This is a group activity so you should use your individual activity blogs. Also, you will do peer credit report.
Individual Activity Blog
Each student will be given an individual activity blog (IAB). Use it to document your work on the group project. This will time stamp your work. Making false entries on your IAB constitutes a violation of academic integrity.
Peer Credit Report
Upon completion of this group project, you will submit a Peer Credit Report (PCR). The PCR is simple. You will estimate the contribution of each member of the group to the project and tell me if you think someone’s contribution is so low that their grade needs to be reduced. This information will allow me to fairly and accurately grade students’ work on group projects.

Clinkers. I know from experience that a few students will only half-heatedly participate in this project — even with the threat of the PCRs affecting their grades. In the past, groups have let clinkers slow them down. All I can do is warn you.

Don’t let the non-participation of some students slow you down or make you believe that the group is not working. I’ve seen groups in the past let the clinkers set a group norm of not participating. Participate. Post. Ask questions. Interact. That’s the norm for a successful group.

I’ve tried to spread the clinkers across the groups evenly. Of course, I can only guess who a clinker can be, but I think I’ve made the groups so there is a core of 3 or 4 good students.

Best wishes,

Dr Ashton

Clinkers are pieces of ash that were not cleaned out of a coal furnace. They didn’t burn and they took up space in the furnace thus prevent coal, which would burn, from being in the furnace.

Frontal lobe? I don’t give groups names like A, B etc or 1, 2 ect. Research has shown than the people in group A get more A’s than the people in Group B (who get more B’s) etc.

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Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Author: William Ashton
Posted date: Friday, June 10, 2011 10:28:49 AM EDT
Last modified date: Friday, June 10, 2011 10:28:49 AM EDT

Dear Class, 

I student emailed me saying that they were unclear about the wiki talk assignment and asked me to check their work on wikipedia.

The real purpose of the Wiki Talk assignment is to get each student on wikipedia and have them begin to learn how to use it. If you are so unsure of what you have done on wikipedia that you need me to check it, then you haven’t met the goals of the assignment because you don’t know what you are doing on wikipedia.

There are many things you should do for a class which are not connected to a grade. For example, in the instructions to the wiki project I give you an outline:

1. Create a wiki account and familiarize yourself with Wikipedia

and you’ll notice that no grade is connected to this work. Have you carefully gone through each of these pages and feel confident about the content of these pages and the methods that they introduce? I think that once you do you will have a very clear understanding of what I require for the wiki talk assignment.

As long as you think in terms of what you need to do for a grade rather than what you need to learn to do then you will have difficulties with all of your classes.

Also, this student said that different students have different ideas of what the wiki talk requires. We are going to run into this problem (different answers to the same thing) next week in the research methods assignment. I’ll ask the groups for one set (the best) of answers and you’ll need to decide between several students’ answers.

I have pressed you to articulate your thoughts in the study skills discussion because that’s how you can discover who is correct or who has the best answer. Students must articulate and explain their reasoning behind their answer to a top 10 question or their reasoning behind the way they think they should do the wiki assignment. With a person’s assumptions articulated it’s possible to follow their thought process and check their thinking along each step. The difference between a good answer and a bad answer can usually be found in carefully examining each step in the construction of that answer. Usually, in a bad answer, one of the steps is wrong.

What I’ve just described to you is the most important thing I can teach you. I know most York students cannot do this.


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Things I say to my BlackBoard students

From the teachable moment to boilerplate.

I realized this morning, when responding to a student on Bb, that it might benefit others if I share some of the things I say to my students on Blackboard.  Here it is ….

I welcome comments and feedback … that’s that whole point of this.

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